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Construction Sweeping

How We
Can Help

Want to avoid being cited by a local ordinance inspector for job site track out of dirt and gravel onto the roads surrounding your project?  Or  keep the state EPA inspector from addressing dusty conditions at your job site?

Do you want to avoid dirty pavement that creates airborne dust throughout the area? Do you want a solution that will eliminate these issues so your crew can focus on completing construction rather than clean up tasks?

Construction Site Sweeping Solutions

Making Your Paved Surfaces Cleaner

When people in the neighborhood drive by your job site, this is your chance to make a good impression. A clean job site that is free of track out will be a much more positive experience for local residents.

The use of regularly scheduled power sweeping as a best management practice on your job site helps ensure that you are in full regulatory compliance with track out mitigation and stormwater pollution prevention plans. 

Expert Care

At Paradise Sweeping, our parking lot experts take great pride in ensuring that your parking lot is clean.  Our well trained sweeper operators are one reason why.

Our collective expertise in professional pavement maintenance is one of our biggest competitive advantages. Delivering pro services since 1998.

Dirt tracked out into the street from a construction site.

Highway Sweeping

Power Sweeping to keep highways clean and free of litter.

Construction Sweeping

Mitigating construction site track out and helping prevent stormwater pollution.

Municipal Sweeping

Making your streets cleaner for your residents-which increases preceived value.

Airport Sweeping

Airport Sweeping Services ensure that the runways and taxiways are free of Foreign Object Debris. (FOD)

Porter & General Maintenance

Porter and Maintenance Services ensure that your facility is clean and well maintained.

Parking Area Sweeping

Keeping your parking lots and garages cleaner and free of litter and debris.

Industrial Sweeping

A cleaner industrial facility is more likely to be a safer industrial facility.

Street Sweeping

Keeping the streets and alleyways where you live clean and litter/debris free.

Pressure Washing

Power washing the exterior of your facility squeaky clean for a fresh look.

Street Flushing

Our Street Flushing services wash away dust and restore a clean appearance.

Retail Sweeping

Ensuring your retail lots are clean, litter free, and ready for your customers

Commercial Sweeping

Making your commercial property free of litter and debris,, cleaner and safer.

Milling Sweeping

Milling Sweeping to ensure a quality surface and keep your project on schedule.

Snow Plowing

Removing the snow so your facility can continue regular operation during winter.

Pot Hole Repair

Minor Pot Hole Repair For Your Asphalt pavement Parking Lots and Streets.

"Mitigating Track Out And Stormwater Pollution."

Know Your

At Paradise Sweeping, we know you may have questions. Our industry experts will put you at ease with their skill and knowledge as they evaluate your paved surfaces.

Once a comprehensive sweeping plan is proposed and agreed upon, the skilled operators at Paradise Sweeping can begin to work delivering results.